Kozmo Kringle

Kozmo Kringle
our first day together - December 2011

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Is that my cat?

Poor Kozmo and Sparky. They are such sweet animals and they are stuck with me as their human. I love them more than anything, but face it, I'm not the most responsible human around. Last night I came home from work and found Sparky in his usual window perch. I spent a few minutes loving him before getting Kozmo out of his crate. I took Kozmo outside and then we worked on our obedience commands for about twenty minutes. For the next hour or so Kozmo played with his toys in the office and I was concentrating on some work. As I am  stepping out of the back door to take Kozmo for a walk I see a black cat in my neighbors yard. At first I thought it was a stray and then I asked outloud, "Is that my cat?".

Yes, indeed it was my cat. Poor Sparky, this is only the second time in seven years that he was outside. Some of you may remember Sparky's first back yard experience when Ace "helped" Sparky off of the balcony and into the yard. How on earth could MY cat be in the neighbors yard!?! He is an indoor cat, I saw him when I got home from work. I have no idea how it happened, but somehow Sparky snuck outside while I was had the door open for Kozmo.

As soon as I realized MY cat was in the neighbors yard I started walking very slowly towards Sparky. Sparky can be a bit skiddish in the house, I was terrified he was going to run away from me outside. I was talking to Sparky and he started walking very slowly towards me. I knelt down and called Sparky. I saw a flash of pure love and know that Sparky still loves me despite bringing Kozmo into his life. Sparky ran at full speed right to me and was purring when I picked him up and gave him a great big hug.

Kozmo went for a walk, I voted, and gave Sparky lots of love for the rest of the evening. I'm so glad animals understand unconditional love, otherwise I worry they would hold a grudge at my irresponsibility. From now on we will be closely watching for Sparky trying to sneak outside.

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