Kozmo Kringle

Kozmo Kringle
our first day together - December 2011

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Winter get away

Kozmo was lucky enough to go on a adventure this weekend. Originally he was going to go to the kennel while the humans rented an 1800's farmhouse in the woods with friends. Plans changed to the point where there were only going to be four humans in this big old house and the house is dog friendly. So Kozmo got to be part of the adventure.

Kozzy's Aunt Tammy loves fire. Despite the fact it was bitter cold, January in Pennsylvania, and there was a perfectly good fireplace inside, we built a huge fire outside. Kozmo was too nervous around the fire to sit close enough to stay warm. Aunt Tammy backed her car up close to the fire and let Kozzy lay down on Belle's bed with a blanked. Poor Kozzy was still cold. He was finally happy when he was covered up with Aunt Tammy's winter coat too.

Poor cold Kozzy

On our second day at the farmhouse Kozmo seemed much happier enjoying the benefits of the indoor fireplace and his human who was curled up with a book.

Kozmo enjoys the indoor fireplace

Watching for squirrels through the window

Kozmo loves squirrels. He figured out how to act like he really need to go to the bathroom so I would let him out. Then he would run to the area where the owners feed the animals dried corn. He would bark at squirrels and think he was going to catch one until he got cold and then come back and sit next to the fire place. Here he is trying to act like a good boy.

Acting like he's not chasing squirrels

We had an awesome weekend, and are investing in a winter coat for poor Kozzy and his lack of warm fur.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Getting closer

The progress continues getting Kozmo and Sparky closer together. I moved Kozmo's bed to vacuum. I also threw Sparky's bed on top along with some dog toys to make it easier to vacuum out the corner where the dog bed usually lives. 

A regular occurrence happened, I walked into another room and got distracted. I didn't move the beds and toys back right away. Hours later I walked into the living room and found these two almost sharing  a bed.

We are getting so much closer to the dog and cat snuggle I envision!

Kozmo and Sparky sharing a bed