Kozmo Kringle

Kozmo Kringle
our first day together - December 2011

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dog Park

Over the weekend Kozmo was invited on a doggy play date with some of the new friends we made at dog socialization. As with most of Kozmo's activities, I was excited and Kozmo just hoped in his crate and was along for the ride. We met 3 other dog friends at the future site of the dog park. For now, it's just a huge open field bordered by a stream. Eventually there will be separate fenced in areas for big dogs and little dogs. In my perfect dream world I have hopes for some agility equipment at the dog park.

As soon as we pulled into the parking area two things happened, Kozmo saw his friends and got very excited, the wind also picked up and snow flurries started. I was really glad I paid full retail for those new gloves. We walked to the open fields and the dogs were so happy to see each other and run off leash that they stayed together as a group. It's amazing how dogs are pack animals. If I tried to walk with just Kozmo off leash it would be much more challenging to keep his focus and keep him close to me. When there are other dogs they stay together in a pack.

We braved the cold and blustery conditions for about two hours while the dogs had a great time. It's fun to see their personalities. Kozmo never gets tired of chasing a tennis ball. He's so fast poor sweet Marcy rarely had a chance to get the ball. We returned to our cars a little cold and muddy but all humans and canines were very happy.

Kozmo slept soundly for the rest of the day. I had to wake him up when it was time for dinner and wake him up again to go to the bathroom. It was a wonderful day and we can't wait to meet our friends again at the dog park. A tired dog is a good dog!

Marcy, Lexy & Kozmo - Photo by Sunny & Marcy's Human 
One of the few times Marcy had the ball. Lexy, the other black dog is very shy so it was very fun to see her playing with the other dogs.

Sunny & Kozmo - Photo by Sunny & Marcy's human
 Look at the mud on Kozmo's shoulders. He had so much fun playing with the other dogs. Isn't Sunny handsome?

Marcy, Kozmo & Sunny with Kozmo's human fetching the ball - Photo by Sunny & Marcy's human
 I love everything about this photo. It was a perfect afternoon. Look how happy Kozmo looks with a tennis ball in his mouth. He has trained me very well to go retrieve the other ball. He will not release the ball in his mouth until I am ready to throw the ball again. My new gloves were very warm and although they didn't match a thing I was wearing they seem to go well with the Chuck-It.

Kozmo trying to keep his ball away from Lexy and Marcy

Photo by Sunny and Marcy's human
 Kozmo takes a break from running to figure out how to destroy a tennis ball. It cracks me up to see how he uses his paws like hands. I also love that Sunny and Marcy's human captured a photo of Kozzy's webbed feet!

Koz, Marcy & Sunny in action
It was a perfect play date. Kozmo and I are looking forward to many more play dates with Sunny, Marcy and Lexy. Next week we start another session of agility classes. Sunny is going to be our class mate again. I'm really curious to see how the dogs act in school.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Dog Socialization

I'm so sad that we only have one more week of dog socialization classes left. I have no idea what Kozmo and I will do on Wednesday evenings. I hope I don't sound like a broken record but I can't stress enough how important dog socialization is for both humans and dogs. When I first signed up to take Kozmo to dog socialization I was thinking the benefits would mainly be to get him some exercise and bring home a tired dog.

What have we learned from this blog?

A tired dog is a good dog.

The exercise is an important part of socialization but the benefits for the dogs go far beyond running off some energy. In seven short weeks Kozmo has shown huge improvements in many life skills. He better understands how to approach and play with other dogs. Kozmo is a high energy dog. He lacked a lot of socialization and when I first put him in doggy daycare he thought it was ok to greet all new dogs by biting their necks. He no longer greets new dogs this way.

Kozmo continues to struggle with recall. If he is distracted he acts as though he can't hear you. After 7 weeks of dog socialization we have seen huge progress in getting his attention and having him come to me from across the room, a room full of distractions. This isn't perfect and we still have a lot more work to get a recall you can trust every time. The safety of the socialization group being inside was a great way to work on recall without the dogs being able to run away.

Kozmo has always been a happy and friendly dog. He hasn't always understood how to greet humans. I've been working hard from day one to teach him not to jump up on people. Although he's friendly and wants to be a part of what is going on he has had problems letting strangers approach and pet him. Through dog socialization Kozmo is learning to trust and let strangers greet and pet him.

I am more excited than every for the dog park to open. Regular socialization is so good for the dogs. It's also been a very positive experience for me. I've made so many wonderful new human friends.

Below are some photos from week 7 socialization. Enjoy.

Photo by: Kaylee & Rosco P's Human
 This big orange ball actually belongs to Marcy. Kozmo went up to Marcy and dropped his tennis ball. Poor sweet Marcy then dropped her big orange ball to check out the tennis ball Kozmo was offering. Kozmo instantly ran off with Marcy's toy. Poor Marcy.
Photo by: Sunny & Marcy's human
 I love how the dogs are checking out the newest member to the group.

Photo by Kaylee & Rosco P's human
 Look how happy Kozmo is after stealing this ball from Marcy.
Photo by Kaylee & Rosco P's human

Another great action shot. Here Marcy is trying to catch Kozmo. Koz only showed an interest in his frisbee when another dog wanted the frisbee. 
Photo by Lexy's human

Look closely, Sunny has two toys in his mouth! Sunny loves his lady bug toy. Another dog had the same toy. Sunny decided they were both his. I love the expression on his face.
Photo by Lexy's Human

 The above photo is an excellent example of many things happening at once during dog socialization. Some dogs take a break and watch the activity and other dogs and humans are playing in the background.
Photo by Lexy's Human

I am so grateful that other human's take and share photos each week. I love to see the photos they take. Here Lexy's human got a great full body shot of Kozmo. He was actually standing still for a change. 
Huge Progress
I love everything about the above photo. Kozmo made friends with this human because he has a great arm and throws tennis balls much further than me. Each week Kozmo has gained a little more trust with the new human and finally at the end of week 7 Kozmo allowed his new friend to get close and pet him. You can see Kozzy's blurry tail wagging. He was very happy and relaxed and I am one proud human.

We will miss our weekly dog socialization classes but will see many of our new friends at the dog park and are forever thankful for the lessons and friends made.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine Yappy Hour

The doggy socialization this past week was so much fun for humans and dogs. In the spirit of Valentine's day, humans brought food to share, each dog got a special Valentine treat, and Valentine portraits were taken of the dogs. In my last post I shared a behind the scenes look of the making of the pup-cakes.

I was really looking forward to class this week. When you live in the North East and make plans in February you never know if the weather will cooperate. As I was driving home from work it began to snow. I love snow. Kozmo loves snow. However, I am irrationally terrified to drive in the snow and it was really coming down. By the time I got home I there was 2-3 inches on the ground. I was so upset, how could the weather cancel my plans to take Kozmo to Yappy Hour!?!?!?

I didn't stay up late making pup-cakes to stay home. So I loaded up the pup-cakes, my pup, and Kozzy and I made our way to Yappy Hour. The snow was much heavier in our little village and as we got closer to our destination the snow decreased. We arrived a few minutes late and the dogs were already playing.

Kozmo bound into the room with his usual enthusiasm and was soon greeted by his friend Sunny and the other dogs. Our first order of business was the formal Valentine portrait. When it was Kozmo's turn I tried to get him to sit and stay for a photo. He was distracted and ran after tennis balls intended for other dogs, twice. We managed to get a photo of a mostly still Kozmo and he went back to running and chasing tennis balls.

My funny, furry Valentine

When I dropped off the pup-cakes I couldn't believe how many yummy treats the other humans brought to share. Kozmo's new routine during socialization is to run and run and run and then lay down with his tennis ball. Something new and wonderful happened. Kozmo let a total stranger approach him and start petting his belly. My heart melted. My sweet shelter pup has come such a long way. I was a proud human.

It's not a great photo. Heck, it's not even an ok photo. But what I was able to capture with my phone is a very special moment. Before I started coming to dog socialization a few short weeks ago Kozmo would have never, NEVER, allowed this to happen. I really enjoyed talking to this very nice couple and Kozmo really wanted to play with their dog. The two dogs played well for a few minutes, then they got a bit rough, and then as soon as someone threw a tennis ball Kozmo was distracted and onto the next thing.

As Yappy Hour was winding down I tried to make my way to the food area and try some of the many delicious looking treats available. I picked up a pretzel and stuck it in some dip, as I was putting the pretzel to my mouth I looked up to see my dog pooping on the floor! So much for dinner. By the time I was done cleaning up after Kozmo, collected his Valentine portrait, and gathered up his tennis balls, it was time to go home.

Next time there is a Yappy Hour I am going to follow the wise example set by Sunny and Marcy's human. I am going to go early, leave Koz in the car, and enjoy some food and human socialization during the little dog play group and then be able to focus all of my attention on Kozzy during the big dog hour. Kozmo and I are looking forward to the remaining two dog socialization classes. This has been a wonderful experience for dogs and humans.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Kozmo and I have been lucky enough to meet some wonderful people through dog socialization. We were really looking forward to the Valentine themed “Yappy Hour” this week. In addition to the regular hour of dog socialization, the plan was for the humans to bring food to share, special Valentine treats for the dogs, AND a special Valentine photo opportunity for the dogs!!

Seriously, how could anyone not be excited about this?

One of my first thoughts was, what should I bring? Normal people probably think of something easy or their regular specialty for covered dish occasions.  Especially when this event is on a weeknight, after work. I started thinking, what could I make that is edible for the humans but looks like a dog?

I decided the only possible solution would be to make cupcakes and decorate them to look not just like a dog, but look like Kozmo.

If you know me then you know that once I get an idea in my head I am on a mission and rationale and logic do not apply. I entered into the research phase.  I spent an embarrassing amount of time online looking at how other people decorated cupcakes to look like dogs.  It’s also worth noting that I am not a baker. I firmly believe that there are highly trained professionals who make amazing desserts and it’s much better to buy a quality dessert than for me to attempt it.

Once I attempted to bake a cake for my mom’s birthday. It was the driest cake ever and the lemon flavor was very strong. My poor mom ate a piece to be polite and started asking me how I made the cake. It was from a box. I missed the step where you add water. I screwed up a box cake.

Another time I made brownies from scratch and took them to a family party where my uncle Bob asked me just how I could make brownies that dry.  It turns out the brownies were made to perfection. I screwed up and left the pan on the over burner on an electric stove that acted as the vent for the oven while I baked something else. So the brownies actually got baked twice.

I have not attempted to bake anything in years. I'm a pretty good cook, but I do not bake. I can not explain why I decided I had to make Kozzy Kakes, but once the idea got stuck in my head there was no getting it back out again. In my research I found some of the best-looking pup-cakes used fondant icing. For some reason, fondant really intimated me. I felt like it was something professionals used.  As I got further into my research I learned fondant is not vegetarian, it contains gelatin.

I ended up with several online photos of pup-cakes that used various types of candy and icing for decoration. I wasn’t sure exactly how this was going to work but I wanted to combine a few ideas for Kozzy Kakes. I gathered my supplies.

I knew exactly what type of cupcake I wanted to bake. A very dear friend of mine is known to some as “the cupcake lady” because she makes these amazing chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese and chocolate chips in the center.  I decided this was the perfect recipe. Not only is it yummy, it’s also black and white like Koz. Making the cupcakes was easy.

Decorating the cupcakes to look like Koz or any type of dog was when my plan got a little tricky. I knew in my head what I wanted but didn’t know how to make this happen with the supplies I had on hand. I decided to use Tootsie Rolls for the ears. When melted and shaped they seemed to look like floppy ears. It took hours and I produced 3 prototypes. I was hung up on the spotted ear. Making a cupcake look like your dog is not easy.

Finally I came up with the brilliant idea that we should use part of a marshmallow to make the snouts. This simple solution changed everything.

Since it was getting close to midnight on a weeknight the I had to let go of the idea that each cupcake had to look like Kozmo and just make pup-cakes. I tried not to be a perfectionist and just created an assembly line.

What I think are pretty darn adorable (and yummy) pup-cakes for the Valentine “Yappy Hour” were successfully completed.  I think it is safe to say I was more excited than Kozmo for this week’s socialization.

If you have any crazy ideas about how you might like to replicate these pup-cakes. I used melted Tootsie Rolls for the ears, melted Starburst for the tongues, marshmallow and Raisnettes for the nose, store bought candy eyes, and alternated between large chocolate chips and Tootsie Rolls for the spot behind the one eye. I apologize for the photo quality, all photos were taken with my phone.

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentines Day!!

Kozmo attended a "Valentine Yappy Hour" last night. The wonderful folks from the dog park association who have been hosting the weekly doggy socialization classes decided to do something a little special for Valentine's day. An area was set up for the humans to eat and everyone brought lots of yummy food to share. Each of the dogs got a special Valentine treat. One of the highlights was a photographer was set up to capture Valentine portraits of the dogs. Stayed tuned for more photos and a special post about the pup-cakes I made for yappy hour.